Thursday, 2 January 2014

What Makes A Term Insurance Premium

Ever since its inception, term insurance plans have been gaining momentum and becoming a huge attraction for insurance seekers out there. In the urban India, due to unseemly lifestyle and increasing awareness, buying a life cover has become a must. People are becoming more and more prone to various illnesses and accidents etc. To counter this, a term insurance protects a person from suffering from huge losses incurred during unfortunate events.

A premium rate is the money charged by the company for the coverage they provide with. With so many providers in the market today, each one of them is coming with their own unique set of plans and cover benefits. While searching for a term insurance policy, it is important to calculate your premium rate beforehand; which can be done using online term insurance calculators, available almost on every insurance website these days.

There are a bunch of factors that go into determining the premium cost for an insurance policy. Age is one imperative factor. The younger you are, the cheaper will be the insurance. This is simply because you are less likely to pass away while you are young. That is why most agents would recommend buying one at a young age.

Another deciding factor that comes into play here is you medical records. You might have to undergo a medical exam to look for things that might raise health concerns or future problems like high blood pressure etc. So, the healthier you are, the lower will be the rates.

It’s a wonderful thing to have gender equality, but there is something our gender indicates, its our life expectancy. Women tend to live longer than men as a general rule. This means, women will pay generally lower rates for a term insurance policy.

When it comes to term insurance, the tenure is fixed. So make sure that you select a long tenure considering your current financial and physical situation. But remember, if you select a long duration, you need to be having the finance to be able to pay the premium also.

Last but not the least, if you know what a term insurance is, you will know that the sum insured is the most decisive factor. To put it simply, higher the sum assured, higher would be the premium and vice-versa.

Now that you know all the factors that come in to play, make your decision like a master! 


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